Bite this

As most who read this are aware, there was the Pizza Hut dust up. For those that aren't Pizza Hut through a website that offered "bites" for adoption managing to piss off almost everyone who had any connection to adoption. While being able to get every member of the plane to agree on anything comes close to being a miracle, the website disappearing so quickly almost made it a non-event.
The one thing I'm left wondering about is the page on that site that featured "adoptive parents" pictures with their bites. I assume they were not for real. But, if someone was lame enough to send in a picture of themselves posing with a greasy bit of snackfood, I do wonder how they were effected by all this.
Do they feel that their rights as adoptive parents have been infringed upon? Do they feel that those of us touched by human adoption have taken away a true source of joy? Have they lost their bites, or do they continue to parent without the support of the internet? Do they feel we just don't understand "their story"?
There just isn't any way to tell.
All in all, I think this is probably a good thing.
I am very surprised how quickly the site came down,and how quietly, You were right
You could have just as easily been right as I was.
I just look at major corporations as being most likely to take the most spineless option available.
I have a feeling they determined it would be to costly to spin it their way, that's all.
By the time I heard of the commerical (on Joy's site) and tried to find it, it was gone! I was quite surprised. I wish the media would have picked up on why the commerical "busted" as it would have been a great educational opportunity.
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